April 15, 2009

Hardball Politics, Hardball Media

In the Murrow Forum, Chris Matthews, Michael Dukakis and Janet Wu take on political coverage and its consequences for democracy

Disease Fighters

New regional biosafety laboratory at the Cummings School redefines public health research

Don’t Just Do Something, Sit There

Audio Students get unplugged—and focused—in a new mindfulness and meditation program at the Counseling Center

Revival of the Fittest

When Abu Hamid al-Ghazali challenged the Islamic status quo in the 12th century, he set the stage for reformers—and fundamentalists—who have sought to redefine the religion ever since


Better Living Through Walnuts

Animal studies show improved motor skills and memory function

The Trauma Seal of Approval

Tufts Medical Center now can accept trauma patients directly, helping save lives and provide valuable training

Building Community Connections

Neighborhood activists receive fellowships to pursue master’s degrees in public policy