Remembering Father Hunt
Fund is set up to honor former Catholic chaplain

A fund has been established to honor the memory of Father Michael Joseph Hunt, the former director of the Catholic Center at Tufts, who died in November 2006. Gifts in Hunt’s memory made to the Tufts Fund will be allocated to the Catholic Chaplaincy, which hopes to use them to produce a lecture series.

Father Michael J. Hunt

Hunt’s ministry spanned 39 years, including service as associate Catholic chaplain and director of the Tufts Catholic Center from 1984 to 1997. He was also a lecturer in the religion department at Tufts, and served at Boston University, the University of California at Berkeley and Wayne State University.

Gifts may be made by check or credit card. Checks should be made out to Trustees of Tufts College, with “Catholic Chaplaincy” written in the memo line, and sent to:

Tufts Fund for Arts, Sciences & Engineering
Tufts University
P.O. Box 3306
Boston, MA 02241-3306

Gifts may be made via credit card online at “Catholic Chaplaincy” should be written in the “I would like to make a gift to” section.

For more information, contact the Catholic Chaplaincy at 617-571-5269.

This story ran in the February 2008 issue of the Tufts Journal.