International U

Tufts named one of nation’s 25 ‘hot’ schools

Recognizing the strength of Tufts’ study-abroad programs, Kaplan/Newsweek has named the university as one of “America’s 25 hot schools.”

The annual issue, published on August 16, reports, “Long before globalization became a cliché, Tufts administrators were figuring out how to teach students to be citizens of the world.” It notes that 40 percent of Tufts juniors, as well as some seniors and sophomores, spend part or all of any given academic year abroad.

The top 25 list, which covers everything from “hottest state university” (University of Texas at Austin) to “hottest military school” (U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md.), is included in Kaplan/Newsweek’s 2005 How to Get into College guide.