A birthday

Wild1ife Clinic celebrates 20 years of caring

The School of Veterinary Medicine celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Wildlife Clinic on March 29 with a luncheon program honoring the clinic’s founding director, Dr. Charles “Doc” Sedgwick.

bald eagle
© Mark Morelli

Former students, colleagues, friends and family paid tribute to Sedgwick as a leader, mentor and visionary. Sedgwick came to Tufts in 1983 to launch the Wildlife Clinic, which treated a record 1,786 patients last year.

The clinic, under Sedgwick’s leadership, became the focal point for the veterinary school’s wildlife medicine program.

In recognition of Sedgwick’s commitment to the Wildlife Library, the Charles “Doc” Sedgwick Fund has been established to support the library resource collection in the Bernice Barbour Wildlife Medicine Building.

The anniversary closed with the release of a red-tailed hawk that had been rehabilitated at the clinic.