Preventing diabetes

Let them eat whole-grain bread

Researchers at Tufts have discovered an important link between whole-grain foods and the prevention of conditions that increase the risk of diabetes.
image of wheat

Nicola M. McKeown, a scientist in the Epidemiology Laboratory at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, and her colleagues have found that those who consumed more whole grains were less likely to develop a metabolic syndrome linked to Type 2 diabetes. The results of their study, which involved 2,800 adults, were published in the journal Diabetes Care.

“Adding whole grain foods to our diet does not require dramatic changes in our eating patterns, and there could be substantial health benefits,” McKeown told Reuters. “But identifying whole grain products is not always that simple.” She cautions consumers about breads labeled “nine-grain,” “rye bread” or “made with whole grain.” These labels may indicate the use of refined wheat flour, not whole grain. Instead, bread-eaters should look for “whole wheat,” “whole rye,” “whole oats” or “graham flour” as the first
ingredient on the label.