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October People Notes Robert W. Bertram has been appointed director of university facilities and will lead the facilities organizations on the Boston, Grafton and Medford/Somerville campuses. In addition to daily operations and maintenance, Bertram's responsibilities include energy management, deferred maintenance, custodial services and facilities systems and planning. He has more than 25 years' experience in facilities management, most recently at Stonehill College as assistant vice president for finance and director of facilities management. He also was director of physical plant at Castleton State College. Mitch Bodnarchuk has been prompted to director of construction. In this position, he is responsible for the design, construction, renovation and occupancy of university facilities on the Grafton, Boston and Medford/Somerville campuses. He will work with John M. Roberto, vice president of operations, and the senior leadership of the schools in implementing the schools' capital programs. Bodnarchuk began his career at Tufts as a construction project manager in Grafton, where he helped plan and initiate several renovation and new construction projects. Three years ago, he was promoted to senior project manager in Boston, where his major responsibility was managing the construction and occupancy of the Jaharis Family Center for Biomedical and Nutrition Sciences, the largest and most technically complex project in the university's history. Lynn Bratley, G86, who received her graduate degree in education, won the Outstanding Career Achievement Award at the fifth annual Graduate Student Awards presentation last spring. Kim Carlson and Miriam Talaat are new residents in small animal surgery at the veterinary school. Gregory Colati, university archivist and director of Digital Collections and Archives, and Jessica Branco, project coordinator for the Tufts Digital Library's Boston Streets: Mapping Directory Data project, presented a paper on "Contextualizing People, Places and Images in Time and Space" at the 2003 Digital Resources in the Humanities conference at the University of Gloucestershire in Cheltenham, England, in September. Anthony D. Cortese, E68, G72, who studied environmental engineering, won the Outstanding Service Award at the fifth annual Graduate Student Awards, presented last spring. Brian J. Cronin was awarded the Professor Kalman A. Burnim Prize for Scholarly Excellence in Drama at the fifth annual Graduate Student Awards presentation last spring. The prize is given to a Ph.D. student in drama who has completed all the requirements for the degree except the dissertation and who has demonstrated distinction academically and in research and who has contributed to the life of the program in an outstanding manner. Dr. Henry L. Foster, honorary alumnus of Tufts School of Veterinary Medicine, a university trustee emeritus and chairman of the Board of Overseers to the veterinary school, was honored by the Massachusetts Society for Medical Research on September 19, when the organization also celebrated its 50th anniversary. Foster was recognized for his leadership in biomedical research. Andrew S. Greenberg, assistant professor at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy and director of the Obesity and Metabolism Research Program at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging (HNRCA), had his work on the role of thiazolidinediones in metabolic syndrome therapy for type 2 diabetes published in the Journal of Diabetes. Joseph Hurka, lecturer in English, will have his memoir, Fields of Light: A Son Remembers His Heroic Father, winner of the Pushcart Editors' Book Award, published in paperback in early November. The book is published by Pushcart Press/W.W. Norton and Co. Susan Kouguell, a lecturer in the Department of Drama and Dance, had her article, "Screenwriting Checklist," published in the August issue of MovieMaker Magazine. She was a panelist September 26 in New York City on the topic, "Getting Your Script Read without an Agent." At Screenwriting Expo 2 in Los Angeles October 17-19, Kouguell will give presentations on "Becoming a Savvy Screenwriter" and "What Do Story Analysts Really Look For? Grabbing the Reader's Attention." Kara Lascola is a new intern in large animal medicine on the Grafton campus. Nan Levinson, lecturer in English, has had her book, Outspoken: Free Speech Stories, published by the University of California Press. She'll talk about the book at the Harvard Bookstore's Friday Forum on October 3. For more information about the book, go to http://www.nanlevinson.com Fuzhi Lian, a doctoral student at the Friedman School, has received an AstraZeneca Scholar-in-Training Award from the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR). The award will be used to sponsor his attendance at the second annual AACR International Conference in Cancer Prevention Research, to be held in Phoenix, Ariz., October 26-30. William Lockeretz, professor of nutrition, received the Spirit of Organic award from the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements and New Hope Natural Media. The award was presented at a dinner at the Natural Products Expo East in Washington, D.C. He presented an invited paper, "Organic Livestock Standards: By Whom and For Whom?," at a conference at the University of Florence as part of the three-year European Union project on "Sustaining Animal Health and Food Safety in Organic Farming." Co-author of the paper was Vonne Lund of the Swedish University of Agriculture. Mary-Jon Ludy, N04, a student in the combined dietetic internship/master's degree program through the Frances Stern Nutrition Center at Tufts-New England Medical Center and the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, has been selected by the Massachusetts Dietetic Association as this year's Spitz Scholarship recipient. She will receive her award at the state convention this fall. Sydel Maher is serving as a practitioner expert at the Alan Shawn Feinstein International Famine Center through October 12. Maher has been with the U.S. Agency for International Development's Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) and has participated in both domestic and overseas operations for OFDA. Laurin E. Manning was awarded the Marjorie B. Greene Award in Occupational Therapy at the fifth annual Graduate Student Awards presentation last spring. The award is made to an occupational therapy student who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in the areas of leadership and involvement in student and professional activities. Dr. Louise Maranda has joined the faculty in the veterinary school's Department of Environmental and Population Health as an assistant professor in the International Programs Section and Conservation Medicine program. Maranda earned her veterinary degree from Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, her M.Sc. in tropical veterinary medicine from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, and her Ph.D. in epidemiology from the University of California at Davis. Maranda has worked in international veterinary medicine in Costa Rica, Israel, Afghanistan, Zaire, Burkina Faso, Mexico and the United States. She speaks English, French, Spanish and Portuguese and has expertise in study design, epidemiology and international animal health. Antonio Martin, assistant professor at the Friedman School and a research scientist at the HNRCA, and his collaborators published a paper, "Effect of Orange Juice Intake on Vitamin C Concentrations and Biomarkers of Antioxidant Status in Humans," in the September 2003 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Gilbert E. Metcalf, professor of economics, was a keynote speaker at a conference in Riga, Latvia, titled "Tax Policy in EU Candidate Countries on the Eve of Enlargement." Tax economists, lawyers and government officials from throughout Europe participated in the conference. Metcalf's talk was titled "Pollution Taxes in a Second-Best World." In addition to addressing the conference, Metcalf participated on a panel with other economists and officials from the finance ministries of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. The conference was hosted by EuroFaculty, an academic group founded by the Council of the Baltic Sea States to assist the leading university in each of the Baltic States to improve their academic programs in economics, law and public and business administration. Dr. Simin Meydani, professor of nutrition and chief of the Nutritional Immunology Laboratory at the HNRCA, gave a presentation on "Antioxidants, Infection and Aging" at the 36th annual meeting of the Society for Leukocyte Biology in Philadelphia on October 2. Later in October, she will give a talk on "The Scientific Basis for Use of Immune Functions as a Biomarker to Assess Benefits" at the 44th annual symposium of the American College of Nutrition in Nashville, Tenn. Chetana Mirle, a doctoral student at the Gerald J. and Dorothy R. Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, was sponsored by Provost Jamshed Bharucha for her attendance at the environment conference "The Water of Life: Peril & Promise in the 21st Century" at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, N.Y. She spent four days with a diverse group of water professionals and activists, debating the wide range of issues that will affect her research in agriculture and water policy. Mirle notes, "It was especially useful to learn about ways in which small agricultural communities in India are forming and implementing their own rules for the usage of local water systems. One of the key debates in water policy right now, and a major focus of this water conference, involves the privatization of water. It was interesting, not only to hear speakers such as Vandana Shiva and Ralph Nader share their views on privatization, but also to interact with grassroots activists about the impact private water corporations are having on local watersheds." Mirle will be leaving for Bangladesh in a few months to begin her doctoral research there. Zbigniew Nitecki, professor of mathematics, in June attended a special session on dynamical systems, which he co-organized with several U.S. and Spanish colleagues, at the first joint meeting of the American Mathematical Society and the Royal Mathematical Society of Spain in Seville. He also gave an invited address to the 26th Summer Symposium on Real Analysis, hosted by Silesian University in Opava, Czech Republic. Jeanne Marie Penvenne, associate professor of history, was guest editor for a special issue of the International Journal of African Historical Studies, Vol. 36, No. 1 (Fall 2003). The issue, "Portuguese-Speaking Africa," is a selection of papers presented at the "Portuguese-African Encounters" conference at Brown University in April 2002. Penvenne co-chaired the conference's historical panels with Teresa Cruz e Silva, director of the African Studies Center at Eduardo Mondlane University in Mozambique. Penvenne's article, " 'A xikomo xa lomu, iku tira' Citadines africaines à Lourenço Marques (Mozambique), 1945-1975," was published in the French journal Le Mouvement Social, 204, julliet-septembre (2003):81-92. The journal also featured a review essay/retrospective of most of Penvenne's scholarly work by the editor of Lusotopie, Michel Cahen. The paper she presented at Harvard's comparative settler colonialism conference in October 2002 will be included as a chapter in Settler Colonialism in the Twentieth Century: Projects, Practices and Legacies, edited by Caroline Elkins and Susan Pederson and published by Routledge. The title of the paper is "Settling against the Tide: The Layered Contradictions of Twentieth-Century Portuguese Settlement in Mozambique." Tufts is also an institutional sponsor for the African Studies Association's annual meeting, which will be held in Boston this year. Tufts Africa Forum, which Penvenne convenes, has recruited Tufts graduate and undergraduate students to serve as guides and aides for the conference. Penvenne and Pearl Robinson, associate professor of political science, are presenting papers at the annual meeting. Todd Quinto, professor of mathematics, organized a mini-symposium at the UCLA Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics in Lake Arrowhead, Calif., in May. Quinto and Thomas Schuster, a Humboldt Fyodor Lynen Fellow working with him, presented their joint research on SONAR. In June, Quinto went to Sweden to work on algorithms in electron microscopy with colleagues at the Karolinska Institute. In September, he was co-organizer of a workshop at Louisiana State University on imaging data and applications to biomedical imaging. Jeremy Rich, A02, D06, spent part of the summer at the New Orleans Musicians' (health) Clinic, learning more about what types of special dental problems musicians have. He also visited music clubs and the Cutting Edge Music Conference, publicizing the clinic services and providing on-the-spot dental education for musicians. "Treatment of musicians should be specialized," Rich, a saxophonist, said. "Dentists have to be sensitive. If you play an instrument and a dentist cuts your lip, you could be out for three months." Joshua Ries, A99, D04, was elected president of the American Student Dental Association during the organization's 33rd national convention in Philadelphia August 27-30. It is the first time in 20 years a Tufts student has held the office. Ries is the son of Dr. Gary Ries, D73, K76. Anne Sauer, assistant archivist at the Digital Collections and Archives, was again a member of the faculty at the annual Museum and Library Archives Institute in Wilbraham, Mass., in June. The two-day workshop presents a basic introduction and overview to archives and manuscripts collections management. Sauer was the instructor of the session on "Reference and Access Services." Richard Weiss, William Walker Professor of Mathematics, was a guest professor at the University of Rome for the month of May. In October, he will be speaking at the retirement conference for Prof. Walter Feit at Yale University. He is also co-organizing a special session for the first joint American Math Society/Indian Meeting, which will take place in Bangalore in December. Eliot Wilczek, university records manager, received a 2003-04 National Historical Publications and Records Commission Archival Research Fellowship to study how the nature of records creation in the U.S. Army influenced its documentation of battlefield engagements during World War I. He is conducting most of his research at the National Archives and Records Administration in College Park, Md. He will present some of his preliminary findings at the International Conference on the History of Records and Archives at the University of Toronto in October. |
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