September People Notes
Dr. Naomi Balaban has been appointed assistant
professor of biomedical sciences, specializing in infectious diseases,
at the School of Veterinary Medicine. Her research focuses on the study
of bacterial pathogenesis and vaccine development.
Jeffrey B. Blumberg, professor of nutrition,
associate director of the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center
on Aging (HNRCA) and chief of the HNRCA's Antioxidants Research Laboratory,
and Diane McKay, nutrition alumna and instructor
in nutrition, received the Best Review Paper Award from the Journal
of the American College of Nutrition. Their piece was titled "The
Role of Tea in Human Health: An Update" and appeared in the February 2002
issue of the journal.
Dr. Robert Cefalo, M59, was honored by the
American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology for serving on the organization's
board for 30 years. Dr. Philip DiSaia, M63,
was elected president of the board, and Dr. Kenneth Noller,
professor and chairman of obstetrics and gynecology at the School of Medicine,
was elected vice president.
Bobbi Cohen, who worked in the Office of
Corporate and Foundation Relations on behalf of the nutrition and medical
schools, left Tufts in August to relocate to the Philadelphia area.
Sally M. Dungan has been appointed to the
newly created position of chief investment officer. She will lead the
Investment Office of the university and work with the Trustee Investment
Committee to set investment strategy and asset allocation guidelines for
Tufts' $680 million endowment and other assets. In partnership with the
trustee committee, she will retain and monitor Tufts' investment managers.
Prior to coming to Tufts, Dungan was director of pension fund management
for Siemens North America, where, investing more than $5 billion in assets,
she had a very successful investment track record. Prior to Siemens, she
worked for the $24 billion Massachusetts Pension Reserve's Investment
Management Board, rising to the position of deputy chief management officer.
Earlier in her career, she worked for Lehman Brothers and other firms
in the securities industry. She holds a B.A. in French literature from
Pomona College and a M.A. in intercultural communication from the Monterey
Institute of International Studies.
Kathleen Dunlap, professor of neuroscience,
has been awarded the $8,000 Milton O. and Natalie V. Zucker Prize, and
Thomas Linsenmayer, professor of anatomy
and cellular biology, received the $8,000 Zucker Family Prize. The faculty
development prizes were created through the generosity of Natalie and
the late Milton Zucker, a 1930 graduate of the School of Medicine.
Betsy Farnham, associate dean for administration
at the School of Medicine, has retired. She worked at the medical school
for 16 years under four different deans. At a farewell reception, Dean
John T. Harrington noted she had an "extraordinary institutional memory"
and "always made sure what was lost was found."
Dr. Marshal F. Folstein, professor and
chairman of psychiatry at the School of Medicine, is the principal investigator
for a $6.65 million, multidisciplinary study funded by the National Institutes
of Health to examine how vitamins and homocysteine levels affect memory,
mood and the brain of 1,600 homebound elderly. The grant, awarded both
to Tufts-New England Medical Center and the HNRCA at Tufts, will involve
work with three home care agencies in Boston.
Kevin Gallagher, economist and research
associate at the Global Development and Environment Institute (GDAE),
took part in the World Summit for Sustainable Development in Johannesburg,
South Africa, August 25 to September 6. He presented a paper on "Environmental
Goods and Services Liberalization and the WTO: What's in It for Developing
Countries?" Gallagher is also a member of the International Union for
the Conservation of Nature and a steering committee member of the Group
on Environment, Trade and Investment (GETI). GETI met in Johannesburg
to chart an agenda to assess environmental issues in the Doha Round of
World Trade Negotiations.
Dr. Michael Goldberg, professor and chairman
of orthopedic surgery at the School of Medicine, received the Arthritis
Foundation's annual award for care and leadership.
The published research of Dr. David J. Greenblatt
and Dr. Richard I. Shader, both professors
of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics, ranks among work by pharmacologists
most cited between 1981 and 1999, according to the American Society for
Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, which recently published a
list of the 55 most cited authors in the field. The research of Greenblatt
and Shader includes studies of age- and gender-dependent variations in
drug metabolism and response, mechanisms of regulation of the benzodiazepine
receptor complex and molecular models for predicting drug interactions
in patients.
Toshi Hanada, research assistant professor
of medicine, was one of five faculty members to be awarded a 2002 Charlton
Faculty Research Award of $8,000. Handa's project is on the biogenesis
of the immunological synapse.
Jonathan Harris, director of the theory
and education program at GDAE, led a workshop on "New Approaches to Teaching
Environmental and Ecological Economics" at the North American Association
for Environmental Education in Boston on August 10. The conference was
chaired by Julian Agyeman, assistant professor
of urban and environmental policy and planning. Harris presented his new
textbook, Environmental and Natural Resources Economics, A Contemporary
Approach (Houghton Mifflin, 2002), as well as modular teaching materials
developed at GDAE.
Paul F. Jacques, associate professor of
nutrition and chief of the Nutritional Epidemiology Program at the HNRCA,
gave a presentation on "Cataracts: Review of Eye Health Epidemiology and
Clinical Research" at the 105th annual American Optometric Association
Congress, held June 29 in New Orleans.
John Kauer, professor of neuroscience, and
Joel White, research assistant professor of
neuroscience, traveled to the Rayburn House Office Building in Washington,
D.C., on July 10, to demonstrate their landmine-sniffing artificial nose
as part of an exhibit of research supported by the Department of Defense's
Science and Technology Program. Kauer says the artificial nose's sensitivity
to certain chemical compounds associated with landmines is about five
times greater than the sensitivity of canine noses to the same compounds.
Dr. David L. Keefe, adjunct associate professor
of obstetrics and gynecology and director of the Reproductive Medicine
Unit at Tufts-New England Medical Center and of reproductive medicine
and infertility at Women & Infants Hospital of Rhode Island, was named
by The Ladies Home Journal as one of the best family doctors in
the Northeast.
Dr. Irwin Leav, Distinguished Professor and
professor of biomedical sciences at the School of Veterinary Medicine,
was one of six alumni honored with the Distinguished Alumnus Award during
Ohio State's College of Veterinary Medicine 2002 Oath and Hooding Ceremony.
His award citation notes that "Dr. Leav contributed significantly to the
field of veterinary medicine during the formative years of the establishment
of Tufts School of Veterinary Medicine and has served the school in various
roles, including assistant to the dean of the School of Veterinary Medicine,
associate dean for basic science, associate dean for academic affairs
and associate dean for research. He is involved in an active teaching
program of pathology to both veterinary and medical students in the Tufts
program. Dr. Leav has published more than 60 papers and has received continuous
EPA and NIH funding for the past 19 years."
Allan Leino has joined the Development Systems
and Support group as a programmer/analyst. He has extensive programming
experience in the health care field, most recently with Partners Health
Care System. His primary responsibilities will be to support Raiser's
Edge and several other sub-systems.
Matthew MacGregor, a senior majoring
in international relations and history, was one of five college students
from Rhode Island to receive support from the Michael P. Metcalf Memorial
Fund at the Rhode Island Foundation to promote personal growth through
travel. Metcalf was chairman and publisher of The Providence Journal
before he died in a bicycling accident in 1987. The travel experiences—all
expenses paid, self-designed adventures outside the regular college classwork—have
taken 35 students from Appalachia to Zaire. MacGregor's fellowship took
him this summer to El Salvador, where, through the Center for Exchange
and Solidarity, he taught English to the Spanish-speaking population.
MacGregor said his $1,900 award provided him with an "opportunity to do
my part in the struggle for social justice and dignity throughout the
world and to gain first-hand experience of Latin America and its people."
He hopes to earn a Ph.D. in Latin American studies and teach at the university
Vincent P. Manno, associate dean of engineering
and professor of mechanical engineering, presented an invited keynote
paper, "A Perspective on the Role of Modeling in Thermal-Fluid Characterization
of Electronics," at the 20th UIT National Heat Transfer Conference, held
in Maratea, Italy, June 27-30.
Misty McCarty has joined the Development
Systems and Support group as a training and documentation specialist.
She came to Tufts from the Dartmouth College Development Office, where
she provided training, documentation and systems analysis for its Advance
C/S system. She will be the primary contact for training on the various
development systems.
Joan C. Mecsas, assistant professor of molecular
biology and microbiology, was one of five faculty members to be awarded
a 2002 Charlton Faculty Research Award of $8,000 for her project on the
role of granulocytes in combating yersinia infections.
Paula Menzel has joined the Development
Records staff as gift and biographical records assistant and is responsible
for gift and biographical entry to the ADV database. She also has worked
in the Development Office for Arts, Science & Engineering, Facilities
and Human Resources at Tufts.
Kathleen A. Merrigan, director of the
Agriculture, Food and Environment Program at the Gerald J. and Dorothy
R. Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, participated on a
panel of eight scientists advising the European Commission (EC) on research
priorities in the area of food quality and safety. In March, the EC invited
the European research community to submit proposals for collaborative
research projects and consortia. More than 1,100 submissions were received
and channeled to eight review panels. Merrigan's panel focused on low-input
agricultural farming systems, improved food quality through innovative
technology and food traceability systems. After individually evaluating
proposals from remote locations, the panel convened for two days in Brussels
to develop a consensus report to the EC on priorities for funding in the
6th Framework Programme, a 700 million Euro effort to be launched this
Dr. Mohsen Meydani, professor of nutrition
and director of the Vascular Biology Program at the HNRCA, delivered the
Max K. Horwitt Memorial Lecture at the 13th annual Saint Louis University
School of Medicine Summer Geriatric Institute on June 26. His lecture
was titled "Green Tea and Oats: Are They Good for Your Blood Vessels?"
Dr. Simin Nikbin Meydani, professor of
nutrition and chief of Nutritional Immunology Laboratory at the HNRCA,
delivered the keynote lecture at the joint Nutrition Symposium, held in
Antwerp, Belgium, in late August. Her talk focused on nutrition and immune
function in the elderly.
Dr. Dana C. Miskulin, assistant professor
of medicine, was one of five faculty members to be awarded a 2002 Charlton
Faculty Research Award of $8,000. Miskulin's project is on the development
and validation of a co-morbidity instrument in a national dialysis population.
Miskulin and Dr. Ronald D. Perrone, professor
of medicine, will lead the Northeast arm of a six-year, national clinical
trial of a particular therapy for polycystic kidney disease (PKD). Working
with researchers at Beth-Israel Deaconess, they will recruit 500 of the
2,000 patients in the study to see if interrupting a patient's renin-angiotensin-aldosterone
hormonal system can slow the progress of the hereditary disease. Perrone
is principal investigator of the $3.7 million grant from the NIH's Institute
of Diabetes and Digestive Kidney Disease to establish the Northeast effort.
Dr. Ayan R. Patel, assistant professor of
medicine, was one of five faculty members to be awarded a 2002 Charlton
Faculty Research Award of $8,000. Patel's work is on the effect of niacin
on peripheral vascular endothelial function and exercise capacity in heart
Beatrice Lorge Rogers, academic dean of
the Friedman School, spent a week in Honduras this summer, assisting CARE/Honduras
in developing "exit strategies" for its food security programs. CARE is
one of the major development organizations, and many of its programs are
based on the distribution of PL 480 Title II food aid. The current focus
of those Title II programs is the promotion of community and household
food security. Recognizing that these programs cannot stay in the community
forever, CARE is working to develop coherent plans to assure that when
they leave, the benefits of the program are sustained, and progress toward
improved food security is maintained.
Dr. Ronenn Roubenoff, associate professor
of nutrition and chief of the Nutrition, Exercise Physiology and Sarcopenia
Laboratory at the HNRCA, has left Tufts to accept an executive position
at Millennium Pharmaceuticals in Cambridge, Mass. Roubenoff, who has been
at Tufts since 1990, also was director of human studies at the HNRCA.
He will, however, continue on at Tufts with part-time appointments at
the HNRCA, the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy and Tufts-New
England Medical Center. Until his replacement is found, Dr. Carmen
Castaneda-Sceppa is interim director of Roubenoff's
laboratory, and Dr. Bess Dawson-Hughes is
interim director of human studies.
Sharan L. Schwartzberg, professor
and chair of the Boston School of Occupational Therapy in the Graduate
School of Arts & Sciences, chaired a research session and conducted a
workshop along with her colleague from Gothenburg University, Synneve
Dahlin-Ivanoff, at the World Federation of Occupational Therapy Congress
in Stockholm on June 22. The workshop was on "Focus Group Methodology:
Its Uses and Benefits within Occupational Therapy." Diana Bailey,
associate professor; Olga Baloueff, associate
professor; and Mary Evenson, fieldwork coordinator,
also presented papers and a poster session at the congress.
Dr. Scott Shaw, a 1998 graduate of the School
of Veterinary Medicine, will join the veterinary faculty in late September
in emergency and critical care medicine. He recently completed the Tufts/Darien
residency program in emergency and critical care medicine.
Paul Stanton, director of administration
for Arts, Sciences and Engineering, has taken on interim administrative
responsibilities for leading the Student Services organization until a
new dean is identified by a national search to replace Dean of Academic
Services Kristine Dillon, who has left the
university. As chair of the Organization and Training Team for the Student
Services Project, Stanton has played key roles in the design, articulation
of goals, identification of people and contribution to the subsequent
success of the Student Services organization project. His current responsibilities
include administrative support of the Tisch Library and ITS organizations,
management of classrooms and overall involvement in space planning for
the Medford/Somerville campus.
Elizabeth Stearns has joined the Office
of Veterinary Development and Alumni Relations as the director of the
Tufts Veterinary Fund, with responsibilities for the overall management
of the School of Veterinary Medicine's annual giving and alumni relations
programs. She heads the team that includes Susan Prentice,
alumni relations coordinator, and Jeanne Cunningham,
staff assistant. Stearns has extensive experience in fund-raising and
constituency development. Her most recent position was as director of
development operations for Clark University. Prior to that, she worked
at Wellesley College and the Worcester Foundation for Biomedical Research/UMass
Medical Center, where her responsibilities included management of their
annual fund-raising horse show. A resident of Grafton, Stearns brings
knowledge of animals to her work at Tufts. She has had the full array
of family pets; she enjoys riding and is a "horse show mom" to her accomplished
equestrian son, Richard.
B. David Stollar, professor and former
chair of biochemistry, is serving as acting dean of the Sackler School
of Graduate Biomedical Sciences following the retirement of Dr. Louis
Lasagna as dean this summer. Stollar, a faculty
member at the School of Medicine since 1964, served as biochemistry chair
for 17 years before stepping down last fall. He also helped raise money
for the new Jaharis Family Center for Biomedical and Nutrition Research
on the Boston campus and headed the committee that recommended space allocations
in the new building, which will be dedicated in November. His 37 years
of steadily financed research has focused, among other things, on autoimmune
diseases, especially lupus. It was in his lab that catalytic antibodies
were first identified.
Natalie Sutkowski, research associate
in pathology, was one of five faculty members to be awarded a 2002 Charlton
Faculty Research Award of $8,000 for her work on the role of endogenous
superantigen in Epstein-Barr virus lymphomagenesis.
Melissa White has been hired as an assistant
director in the Tufts Fund for Arts, Sciences and Engineering. White comes
to Tufts with an extensive background in nonprofit organizations. She
worked several years for the Venture Consortium at Brown University. This
collaboration of colleges and universities develops public service programs
to complement the liberal arts curriculum. She has also worked as a consultant
for BDO Seidman, LLP, an international accounting and consulting firm
with a national management consulting practice focused on nonprofits.
Most recently, she served as the deputy director of strategic alliance
at the Tech Foundation, where she spearheaded all board development issues
and associated fund-raising activities. At Tufts, White will manage the
Classes of 1943 to 1953 and oversee the 50th, 55th and 60th reunion fund-raising
efforts. In addition, she will oversee the Packard Society and work with
all members of the development staff to dramatically increase leadership
giving in the Tufts Fund.
Timothy Wise, deputy director of the research
and policy program at GDAE, hosted a seminar at Tufts August 20 on "Corn
and the Erosion of Crop Genetic Diversity." The seminar brought together
some of the world's experts on the topic, including biologist Garrison
Wilkes of the University of Massachusetts at Boston, economist James Boyce
of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and economist Alejandro
Nadal from El Colegio de Mexico in Mexico City. The seminar came at the
end of Nadal's two-week residence as a visiting scholar with GDAE, which
has been collaborating with his institute for two years under a grant
from the Hewlett Foundation.
Joshua Young has returned to Tufts as senior
associate director of development and major gifts for the School of Medicine.
Most recently, he was director of major and planned gifts at the New England
Aquarium. Young served as associate director of development at Tufts School
of Medicine from 1996 to 2000 and as acting director of development during
a time of transition in the medical school development office. He was
instrumental in the success of the medical school during the Tufts
Tomorrow campaign. Young holds a B.A. in economics from Harvard and
has done graduate work in strategic planning and marketing at Northwestern
University, the University of Colorado and the University of Georgia.
Dr. Matthew K. Waldor, associate professor
of medicine, will receive the Infectious Diseases Society of America's
Squibb Award for achievement by a physician under age 45. The society
also is honoring former School of Medicine faculty member Gerry Keusch
with its Bristol Award. Keusch is now with the National Institutes of
Patrick Webb, associate professor of nutrition
and director of the Food Policy and Applied Nutrition Program, participated
in an international scientific symposium on "The Measurement and Assessment
of Food Deprivation and Undernutrition," which was hosted by the United
Nations' Food and Agricultural Organization in Rome June 26-28. Webb presented
two papers based on ongoing work in Food Policy and Applied Nutrition.
The first, co-authored with doctoral student Jennifer Coates
and Robert F. Houser Jr., instructor in nutrition,
was on "Challenges in Defining 'Direct Measures' of Hunger and Food Insecurity."
The second paper, co-authored with Houser, Mark Nord and others at the
U.S. Department of Agriculture, was titled, "Comparing Household Survey-Based
Measures of Food Insecurity Across Countries: Case Studies from India,
Uganda and Bangladesh."
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