Journal Archive >
2002 > January
January Calendar of Events JANUARY 10 Small Animal Medicine Rounds Break Room, Small Animal Hospital, 9 a.m. Grafton campus. Cell, Molecular and Developmental Biology "Genetic Dissection of Signaling Pathways in Breast Development and Cancer," Dr. Cathrin Brisken, assistant professor, Harvard Medical School. Chitra Biswas Conference Room (M&V 105), 4 p.m. Boston campus. Musical Comedy "Curve 9," starring Tufts alum Josuah Wolkomire, A00. In this musical comedy that examines the black hole between science and religion, Wolkomire plays Noah, a laid-off factory worker with a drinking problem. His recently cryogenically defrosted wife, Shirley, and a genetic engineer android embark on a trip to save the human race. "Curve 9" is a blend of funky tunes, fantastic dance interludes and costumes that turn punk inside out. Nexus Theater Center, 255 Elm St., Davis Square, Somerville. Through January 26. Tickets are $25 for general admission and $20 for students; for tickets, call (617) 623-1209. JANUARY 11 Gross Pathology Rounds Necropsy Room, Small Animal Hospital, 4 p.m. Grafton campus. JANUARY 14 JANUARY 15 JANUARY 16 JANUARY 17 JANUARY 21 JANUARY 24 Immunology "DNA Double-Strand Breaks, RNA Editing and Other Puzzles in the Diversification of Immunoglobulin Genes," Dr. David Schatz, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Yale University School of Medicine. DeBlois B Auditorium, Sackler Center, 4 p.m. Boston campus. JANUARY 28 JANUARY 30 JANUARY 31 Editor's note: The deadline for Calendar submissions for the February 1 issue of the Tufts Journal is Tuesday, January 22. Submissions may be e-mailed to barbara.lewis@tufts.edu or you may send Calendar announcements to Barbara Lewis, Office of Publications, 200 Boston Ave., Medford campus. As the university celebrates its sesquicentennial during the 2001-2002
academic year, a number of events revolve around the 150th anniversary
of Tufts. For more information about sesquicentennial events, visit the
web site celebrate150.tufts.edu