Journal Archive > 2002 > February

Copyright web site

Copyright policy

The Provost's Office has established a web site on the Tufts University Policy on Fair Use of Copyrighted Materials. The site,, was created by a task force of the University Library Council, serving under the auspices of the Information Technology Policy Oversight Committee.

Because the fundamental purposes of Tufts University include the creation, compilation and preservation of knowledge in permanent and transmissible forms and the circulation and diffusion of this knowledge to the university and global communities, the university holds in the highest regard the rights that govern the creation and diffusion of knowledge and the copyright laws that define and enforce them.

Members of the Tufts community are expected to be mindful of the restrictions imposed on them by the copyright laws as well as the rights conferred on them by the fair use exemption to the copyright laws, and they are expected to comply with these laws.

In addition to the policy on fair use, the web site contains pertinent FAQs, statutes and guidelines, links to other fair use web sites and tutorials. The site also includes contact information at all the schools should you have any questions about fair use that are not covered by the FAQs.