TILR on tap
Autumn academics The Tufts Institute for Learning in Retirement (TILR) will offer "seasoned citizens" interested in lifelong learning an academically stimulating program during its fall 2002 term, which runs from September 23 through November 18. Classes are held on Mondays and Fridays only during the eight-week term. Each class runs two hours from 10 a.m. to noon or from 1:15 to 3:15 p.m. on both days. Volunteer study group leadersÑemeriti professors, retired physicians, lawyers, engineers and teachersÑlead a wealth of classes designed exclusively by them, including The Art of Film, World Religions and Sexual Ethics and The Emergence of the United States as a Superpower. If you are interested in being a study group leader or know anyone who is or want to know more about the fall term, call Marilyn Blumsack, director of TILR, at (617) 627-5885 or e-mail tilr@tufts.edu