Journal Archive > 2001 > October

Share your memories

Share your memories in 150th time capsule

What does Tufts mean to you? What do you imagine people will find intriguing 50 years from now? As part of Tufts' 150th anniversary in 2001-02, the Tufts University Alumni Association invites graduates to reflect on these and other aspects of the Tufts experience as part of the Sesquicentennial Time Capsule.

An initiative of the Traditions Committee, the time capsule will be dedicated on April 21, 2002, in the Tufts Office of Digital and Archival Collections, where it will be housed. It will be opened in 50 years for Tufts' 200th birthday.

The time capsule's theme, "Jumbo Never Forgets," is a direct appeal to Tufts students and graduates for memories, suggestions and contributions. To submit your memory, visit the sesquicentennial link at

In addition, to contribute ideas about contents, submit memories or for more information:

  • Write to the Tufts University Alumni Association, ATTN: Time Capsule, 95 Talbot Ave., Medford, MA 02155, or
  • call Laura Ferguson at 1-800-THE-ALUM, or
  • e-mail Traditions Committee Chair Augusta Heywood, F86, F92, at

All items will be considered and may be placed, if not in the time capsule, in the Tufts Permanent Collection in the Office of Digital Collections and Archives. Selections from memory cards may also appear in Tufts Magazine and on the 150th web site.